Transition Troubleshooting FAQs for existing Smart SOP Subscribers

3 min. readlast update: 03.08.2024

Why does my app still look the same?
Smart SOP 4.0 is an entirely new interface. If it still looks the same to you it is because you are using the old version. Go to to set up  your new password and log in. The Smart SOP application is now web-based, which means you can access it from any browser on any device - there is nothing to install and no need to visit the app stores.


Why can't I log in?
The first time you log in to Smart SOP 4.0 you will need to set up your password. Go to and enter the email address you have already been using for Smart SOP. You will receive a link to set up a new password.


Where are my folders?
In Smart SOP 4.0 we have upgraded the organizational system so you will have more control and the flexibility of dynamic, non-hierarchical organization. Rather than organizing SOPs LOTOs in folders you can easily assign multiple tags to each item, enabling efficient cross-categorization and reflecting the multidimensional nature of your data. Your tags will be generated based on the folders you had created previously during the week of February 26th. Until then you can use the SEARCH and COLUMN SORT features to easily locate each SOP and LOTO.


What happened to my step formatting?
The text formatting in your steps should have transferred with the update, but in some cases there will be discrepancies. If you find your formatting is wrong, please contact us ASAP at and we will fix it. Please reference your agency name and the names of SOPs/LOTOs that are formatted incorrectly, or ask us to audit all of your procedures.


Where are my eSOPs?
If DKF Solutions Group has developed eSOPs for your agency that you have been accessing on Smart SOP, we are in the process of migrating them to the Smart SOP 4.0. This process should be complete the week of March 11-15. You should see the eSOP listed in your list of SOPs, but the actual eSOP will not be visible yet.


Where did my draft SOPs go?
Prior to the update you were instructed to publish any draft SOPs and LOTOs that you were currently developing in the Smart SOP app. If you did so, then your draft SOPs and LOTOs can be found on the SOP and LOTO lists in the new app.


What if I have more questions? 
We are here to help you. Contact us at if you have any questions or need assistance. You can also find answers here on our help page,


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