Create a New Standard Operating Procedure

1 min. readlast update: 02.23.2024

To create a new Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Smart SOP, follow these simple steps.

First, navigate to the left menu and locate the "SOPs" option. Click on it to access the SOP management page.

Once there, you'll find the option to add a new SOP. Look for the "+ Add Standard Operating Procedure" button and click on it. This will initiate the SOP creation process.

Use the tabs to enter details about the SOP including: Overview, Job Hazard Analysis, Steps, and Tags. Be sure to save your progress periodically. 

Use the Collaboration tab to identify collaborators who will also be able to access the draft from their Dashboard. You can also use this tab to message collaborators.

Use the Revisions tab to download previous versions of the SOP. A new version is created every time the SOP is edited and saved.

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